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Jonathan Lee Tradesman Painter & Decorator

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Jon celebrates his 10th year anniversary with Sensation Painters Ltd

As a young man, Paul had given me a chance in an industry that was foreign to me. With the help of my Uncle Don Shearer, who was a Foreman with Paul at the time, Don set me up with an interview.

I started as an apprentice on the 3rd of March 2008. From the start I was aware of the high level of Don’s skills.  Due to this I have always aimed to show gratitude toward both Paul and Don by working hard to become proficient as a Painting & Decorator Tradesman.  Not having attained any qualifications in school I have an appreciation for the trade in terms of quality employment (good money, good hours and a range of different environments).

I found my place of employment rewarding and enjoyable.  They have given me skills and knowledge that have helped me progress to a level of competency where I can have pride in my achievements and abilities. Now I am training the apprentices and our Filipino colleagues work the Sensation way. Along with work place skills, Paul has helped me grow as a young father with his general consideration of me and my family’s well-being.

I hold Paul and his family in high regard, as they have provided a warm, inclusive and friendly environment and I feel my length of employment reflects that.  Working with Sensation Painters and our team, is still an experience that I appreciate daily and look forward to continuing building both myself and the company in future endeavours.

Paul has his say…

Whilst attending block courses offered by Creative Trades ITO, Jon’s apprenticeship, then under Paul Schirnack Decorating Ltd, was earnt as he learnt – Practical skills alongside the Trades and accepting that as a beginner, the tasks could be menial and repetitive. That aside, Jon proved himself a worthy student taking technical courses to add to his skill-base; spraying and wallcoverings to name a few.

As a Leading Hand, Jonathan is a pleasure to have as an employee and valued by his colleagues. We wish to complement Jon for acquiring his 10-year mark and fully appreciate the commitment he has made to Sensation Painters over the years.

We thank Jonathan for his hard work and effort. Always one to strive to better his craft, Jon’s years with Sensation Painters prove his loyalty. Now he and his partner Martika, have two gorgeous children and we wish to congratulate them on reaching a terrific accomplishment both personally and professionally.

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